1. Qual dos seguintes NÃO é uma vantagem em limitar o trabalho em andamento (WIP) ?


1. Answer: D Explanation: Since this question is looking for the answer that is NOT an advantage oflimiting WIP, if an option is true, that means it is not the answer we are looking for. Limiting WIP does reduce the potential need for rework. It also improves process efficiency and helps us find production bottlenecks. The only option listed here that is NOT an advantage oflimiting WIP is the one that refers to maximizing resource utilization. Limiting WIP focuses on optimizing throughput, not resources, and we may actually decrease resource optimization to get more throughput.

2. ProjectX tem uma Taxa Interna de Retorno (IRR) de 12%, e ProjectY tem uma IIR de 10%. Qual projeto representa a melhor taxa de retorno ?


2. Answer: C Explanation: The answer is project X, simply because it has the larger internal rate of return (IRR). We don't need to consider the payback period or the NPV because the question asks which project has the better rate of return, which is its IRR.

3. Qual dos seguintes NÃO é um esquema de priorização reconhecido?


3. Answer: C Explanation: To get the correct answer, we need to examine each option to find the one that is NOT a prioritization scheme (or that sounds least likely to be one). Prioritization based on business value is the most common prioritization method, so it is certainly a valid prioritization scheme. Prioritization based on risk is also a valid prioritization scheme. Likewise, prioritization based on both business value and risk is valid. The only option presented here that is NOT a valid prioritization scheme is iteration velocity. This term measures the work done and the team's capacity; it is not a prioritization scheme. So prioritization based on iteration velocity is the correct answer.

4. Que é um roadmap de produto ?


4. Answer: B Explanation: Creating a product roadmap is a release planning technique. A roadmap is not a list of screens and reports, because we can build a roadmap for a product even if the project has no screens and reports. The other options of deployment instructions and a backlog prioritization scheme are also incorrect.

5. Qual das seguintes é verdade sobre contratos ágeis ?


5. Answer: C Explanation: Since agile contracts have to take into account the difficulty of defining the required product characteristics in advance, they need to work even when the specs are not fully defined. Agile contracts can be used with time and materials agreements but they also work well for fixed price projects where a cost limit cannot be exceeded and functionality is trimmed to meet the budget. A major reason agile contracts were developed was to accommodate changes, so that is the correct answer.

6. Coloca-se riscos no backlog para :


6. Answer: C Explanation: Here we have a few reasonable choices to consider, but only one option is the main reason. Putting risks in the backlog does prevent us from having to maintain a separate list, but that is not the reason we do it. It also helps keep the team focused on the risk, but again, that is not the main reason we do it. Preventing the team from forgetting about the risk is a lot like the previous idea, and is also not the real reason we put risks into the backlog. Instead, the main reason is to ensure that those items get worked on in early iterations, since delivering value early also means removing opportunities for value reduction.

7. Qual das seguintes combinações é uma mistura válida para priorização de estórias ?


7. Answer: C Explanation: Here we need to eliminate the incorrect options to find the remaining valid combination. At first glance, "customer importance and business urgency" sounds like it might be a plausible option-but since both components are based on the customer's preference, they are similar enough that this isn't really a valid mix. "Risk reduction and technical dependency" can be eliminated because this combination doesn't take into account the customer's priorities-a mix is not balanced (and therefore not valid) if it doesn't consider value to the customer. "Team preference and customer value" is not a valid mix because team preference is not a valid selection criteria on its own. Although the team might prioritize a story for good reasons (for example, because it reduces risk), we don't know that from the question. The correct option is "customer value and risk reduction:' These are the classic elements that we seek to balance in prioritizing work, so this option is the most valid story prioritization mix of the choices given here.

8. Para cortar custos , a empresa X decidiu cancelar um de seus projetos que estava perdendo dinheiro. Projeto A tem uma TIR de -4% , o projeto B tem uma TIR de -5 % , e o projeto C tem uma TIR de -6%. Qual projeto deve ser cortado ?


8. Answer: C Explanation: Without more information, such as ROI (though we are actually looking at loss instead of return in this case), the logical option is to cut the project that has the highest rate ofloss. This means that we would cut project C, since it has the largest negative internal rate of return. Canceling all the projects is not the answer, since the question says that company X has decided to cancel ONE of its projects. On the exam, look out for questions like this that appear to present multiple "correct" answers but include information within the question that rules out certain choices.

9. Um patrocinador está tentando determinar qual projeto tem o maior valor de negócio -- um que retorna $4 milhões em três anos ou um que retorna $5 milhões em 4 anos. A taxa de juros é de 5 por cento para empréstimos de capital para desenvolver os projetos. A melhor abordagem para determinar o projeto de maior valor é a seguinte:


9. Answer: C Explanation: To evaluate the value of two projects that are completed at different times, we can use net present value (NPV) to translate the amounts into today's values. Therefore, the approach of calculating the NPV and choosing the project with the highest value is the way to go. The other answers may make valid arguments, but the question is asking for the BEST approach, which is to calculate NPV.

10. Qual das seguintes afirmações melhor descreve o papel da carta do projecto ?


10. Answer: C Explanation: The project charter defines the what, why, when, who, and how details of the project and provides authority to proceed. It may also list the scope that ends up in the backlog and the risks that should go into a risk register or risk list, but these are all just portions of the charter that do not "Best describe the role:'

11. Sua nova equipe passa 10 minutos à espera para as pessoas aparecerem para a reunião de stand-up diário, que , em seguida, tem a duração de 15 minutos. A reunião stand-up é seguida por mais 5 minutos em a equipe discute o jogo de hóquei na noite passada, e ainda mais 5 minutos de debate sobre questões a resolver. Calcule o tempo total do ciclo deste processo (assumindo que a discussão de hóquei não é classificado como uma atividade de valor agregado).


11 . Answer: D Explanation: Since the total cycle time is the value-add time+ the nonvalue-add time, we do not actually need to determine what falls under the value-add category. Instead, we just need to add up all the times involved: 10 + 15 + 5 + 5 = 35 minutes.

12. Seu patrocinador pediu esclarecimentos sobre quando as liberações de seu produto serão lançadas e o que esses releases irão conter. Que entrega ágil seria melhor para responder às suas necessidades?


12. Answer: B Explanation: The product roadmap shows release dates and the high-level contents of releases, so it would be the best deliverable for answering these questions. A product demo might be good for showing the sponsor what has already been built, but demos are not targeted at communicating the release schedule for upcoming features, and neither is the backlog. The product owner will likely know the answers to these questions, but the question asked "Which agile deliverable," and the product owner is not a deliverable.

13. Você foi convidada a delinear os princípios básicos da contratação ágil para o seu comitê de direção. Qual das seguintes afirmações melhor corresponde a abordagem recomendada para contratação em projetos ágeis ?


13. Answer: D Explanation: Two components common to agile contracts are an ability to reprioritize work and the goal of satisfying the business, rather than conforming to a spec. The closest match to these characteristic is the option "The contract is worded to allow for reprioritization of scope, and acceptance is based on items being fit for business purpose:'

14. Nos métodos ágeis os termos Moscow e " Prioridade 1, Prioridade 2 , Prioridade 3 " são formas de :


14. Answer: C Explanation: MoSCoW and "Priority 1, Priority 2, Priority 3" are forms of prioritization. They are ways the business representatives or customer can classify requirements or user stories to rank the work that needs to be done by the project.

15. Clientes ou representantes de empresas estão envolvidos na priorização do trabalho para qual benefício principal?


15. Answer: D Explanation: While involving the customer does help with communications and business question clarifications, the primary reason we engage them is to better reflect the business needs and wants for the project. Keeping the customer busy is not a concern.

16. Qual das definições mostradas abaixo melhor descreve o conceito ágil de entrega incremental ?


16. Answer: B Explanation: The best explanation here is "The product is built and evaluated in chunks that, by the end of the project, comprise the complete product, including agreed-upon change requests that arose during the process." The other choices contain concepts that are contrary to the incremental delivery approach or are completely unrelated. We don't just let the team, rather than the business or customer, select work, and we wouldn't exclude agreed-upon changes. As promoted by the Agile Manifesto, agile methods can harness change requests to deliver competitive advantage. And support demand has nothing to do with incremental delivery.

17. Sua equipe , em média, tem que esperar 3 dias úteis (24 horas de negócio) para obter a aprovação para fazer alterações em seu ambiente de aceitação do usuário. Fazendo as mudanças geralmente leva cerca de uma hora. Qual das respostas abaixo representa o tempo a eficiência do processo correto, arredondados para uma casa decimal ?


17. Answer: A Explanation: Process cycle efficiency= Total value-add time/Total cycle time. So, in this example, the value-add time is 1 hour, and the total cycle time= 24 + 1 = 25 hours. This gives us 1/25, which is 0.04, or 4 percent. If you used 24 for the total cycle time, you would have calculated 1/24 for an answer of 4.2%, which is incorrect.

18. Você foi convidado para explicar o que a equipe do projeto tem feito durante a iteração 0, uma porção inicial do projeto. Qual dos seguintes gráficos seria uma boa escolha?


18. Answer: B Explanation: Since iteration 0 is concerned with establishing tools and environments and proving approaches, a risk burn down graph is a good chart to show what the team has been working on. While there may not be business functionality to speak of, hopefully the team has reduced some technical risks and proven some key approaches that will be used.